What is Acupuncture?

I am often asked that question! Acupuncture is the oldest “new” healing modality. New, since it has only become a household word in America for a few decades. Old, because its techniques originated in China thousands of years ago. There are several scientific theories on how acupuncture works and it is believed that it facilitates the body to begin the healing process from within.

The initial acupuncture appointment includes a questioning and assessment session to determine the course of treatment. During the treatments, the acupuncturist inserts very fine needles into specific points to balance the body, remove blockages of the flow of energy and strengthen weakened systems.

Acupuncture is very relaxing. It has become more and more popular and proves to be a safe, effective way to diminish pain and heal internal conditions. If you are interested in learning how acupuncture can help you, feel free to contact Vibrant Light at 516-353-2341 to schedule a free discovery call.

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